Gaining knowledge of IT activities in the employing organisation.
PDA Group: Increasing Knowledge
Additional Study
Building on initial education through additional study by means of distance learning, night classes, day release, etc.
Gaining Knowledge of Employing Organisation
Gaining basic knowledge of the employing organisation, its business, structure, culture, policies, products/services, operations and terminology.
Gaining Knowledge of Surrounding Technical Areas
Gaining knowledge of IT activities in employing organisation external to own function.
Research Assignments
Exploring a topic which is not part of own normal responsibilities and presenting findings to colleagues and/or management
Gaining Knowledge of Activities of Employing Organisation
Developing an understanding of the potentially diverse range of activities (service, governance, administrative, regulatory, commercial, charitable, industrial, etc.) undertaken by the employing organisation.
Gaining Knowledge of IT Concepts and Techniques
Undertaking study, learning and, where possible, practice in IT concepts and techniques external to own function.
Gaining Knowledge of Broader IT Issues
Increasing and maintaining currency of knowledge of broader IT issues through reading, attending and participating in seminars or conferences, special studies, temporary assignments etc.
Gaining Strategic Knowledge of Employing Organisation
Developing a comprehensive understanding of the business environment in which the employing organisation operates and its position, policies and direction in relation to health and care, country and global issues.
Gaining Knowledge of Standards and Legislation
Gaining and maintaining knowledge of relevant national and international standards and legislation.