Approves and authorises audit plans. Ensures costs, operational budgets, staffing requirements, audit resources and risk have been taken into account and appropriate and effective governance arrangements established.
SFIA Skills: Governance, risk and compliance
Audit management(AUDT) (Level 7)
Ensures all audits are planned, resourced and executed within roadmap timescales.
Audit execution (AUDT) (Level 7)
Takes responsibility for the delivery of high-profile, large budget, audit programmes establishing and maintaining appropriate management structures to control and monitor audit deliverables.
Advice and guidance (AUDT) (Level 7)
Provides general and specific audit advice to senior leadership teams on ways of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of control mechanisms.
Review findings (AUDIT)(Level 4)
Collates and analyses evidence regarding the interpretation and implementation of control measures, and/or conformance to standards, and prepares and communicates the audit report.
Review findings (Level 2)
Collates evidence to support reviews of compliance with standards, statutory controls, or management directives.
Review findings (AUDIT)(Level 7)
Assess collated audit review findings. Identifies and proposes significant control improvement programmes.
Review findings (AUDIT)(IG)(Level 6)
Contributes to formal reports to management on the effectiveness and efficiency of control mechanisms and the extent of compliance of systems with standards, regulations and/or legislation.
Review findings (Level 3)
Collates evidence and examines for compliance with standards, statutory controls, or management directives. Identifies, escalates and documents issues of non-compliance.
Compliance analysis and reporting (Level 3)(QUAS)
Examines records for evidence that appropriate testing and other quality control activities have taken place and determines compliance with organisational directives, standards and procedures. Identifies non-compliances, non-conformances and abnormal occurrences, and inputs findings to compliance reports.
Compliance analysis and reporting (Level 5)
Evaluates, appraises and identifies non-compliances with organisational standards, QMS and/or quality plans and determines whether appropriate quality control has been applied.
Compliance analysis and reporting (Level 4)
Collates, collects and examines records. Analyses the evidence to ensure compliance with organisational standards for activities, processes, data, products or services. Investigates and documents the internal control of specified aspects of automated, partly automated, or manual processes. Assesses compliance with relevant standards and drafts all or part of formal compliance reports.
Compliance analysis and reporting (Level 3) (QUAS-F)
Supports the examination of records for evidence that appropriate testing and other quality control activities have taken place. Supports the identification of non-compliances, non-conformances and abnormal occurrences.