Service Owner


A service owner is accountable for the quality of their service. They adopt a portfolio view, managing end-to-end services, which include multiple products and channels. At this role level, you will:

operate at scale and provide the connection between multidisciplinary business areas and stakeholders

ensure the necessary business processes are followed

participate in the governance of the service, including acting as a point of escalation for the delivery teams

own the budget and allocate funding to areas of the service based on your decisions about priorities

communicate the benefits and performance of your service

be responsible for the successful operation and continuous improvement of the service

Work Activity Components

Title Details
Service development (Level 5) Influences design and development of new and changed systems and services to optimise operational efficiency. Contributes to definition of associated standards and techniques. Recommends operational and maintenance acceptance of new systems and services. Contributes to KPIs for system acceptance and monitoring.

Behavioural Skills

Title Details
Decision Making Making decisions at the appropriate time, taking into account the needs of the situation, priorities, constraints, known risks, and the availability of necessary information and resources.
Organisational Awareness Understanding the hierarchy and culture of own, customer, supplier and partner organisations and being able to identify the decision makers and influencers.
Influence, Persuasion and Personal Impact Conveying a level of confidence and professionalism when engaging with stakeholders, influencing positively and persuading others to take a specific course of action when not in a position of authority.
Providing Direction Directing others to undertake specified tasks within a defined timescale.
Delegation Delegating tasks, responsibilities and authorities effectively.

Technical Skills

Title Details Depth
Own Organisation's IT Products and Services The IT products and/or services supplied to internal and external customers by own organisation. Familiar with

Other Skills

Title Details Depth
Operations Management Methods, techniques and tools for planning, organising, resourcing, directing, co-ordinating and monitoring ongoing (non-project) activities. Familiar with
Risk Management Methods and techniques for the assessment and management of business risk. Familiar with
Service Level Agreements The purpose and composition of a service level agreement (SLA); the relationship between an SLA, an OLA (Operational Level Agreement) and an underpinning contract for the supply of services. Proficient in


Title Details
Technology Products for Future Use Technology products or solutions that are potentially of use to the organisation.
Service Management Standards Approaches, frameworks and standards for service management, such as ITIL, SIAM, VeriSM, CMMI Services and the international standard ISO/IEC 20000 for IT Service Management.
DevOps The techniques to adopt a collaborative approach in order to facilitate rapid IT service and product delivery. DevOps emphasizes people (and culture) and seeks to improve collaboration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams with the aim of shortening the systems development life cycle to provide continuous release of high-quality software.
Security Awareness Tools and techniques to help users and employees understand the role they play in helping to combat information security breaches and for IT and security professionals to prevent and mitigate risk.

Professional Development Activity (PDA)

Title Details PDA Group
Deputising Standing in for supervisor or manager on a temporary basis during periods of absence. Broadening Activities
Job Shadowing and Special Assignments Undertaking temporary periods or secondments in other roles, particularly those that offer a new perspective on own function or exposure to other environments and cultures. Broadening Activities
Mentoring Acting as a mentor, advising those for whom there is no direct responsibility, on matters to do with their job role, career and professional development. Broadening Activities
Gaining Knowledge of Broader IT Issues Increasing and maintaining currency of knowledge of broader IT issues through reading, attending and participating in seminars or conferences, special studies, temporary assignments etc. Increasing Knowledge
Gaining Knowledge of Employing Organisation Gaining basic knowledge of the employing organisation, its business, structure, culture, policies, products/services, operations and terminology. Increasing Knowledge
Participation in Professional Body Affairs Taking an active part in professional body affairs at branch, specialist group, committee or board level. Participation in Professional Activities
Negotiating and Influencing Undertaking learning and practice of negotiating with and influencing others. Developing Professional Skills
Management Development Undertaking learning and best practice of the skills appropriate to managing all or part of an organisation, including business and financial management, benefits management, people management, management of change and strategic planning. This will require both on and off the job learning and may include participation in an appropriate development programme such as MBA or DMS (Diploma in Management Studies). Developing Professional Skills

Qualification Components

Title Awarding Bodies
FEDIP Advanced Practitioner

FEDIP - The Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care

ITIL 4 Strategist Direct, Plan and Improve (Managing Professional / Strategic Leader Module)


Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework Skills

Skill Level

Agile working

Agile delivery involves encouraging teams to build incrementally, test and iterate their work based on regular feedback and other useful data.

Expert Agile working

You can: coach and lead teams in Agile and Lean practices, determining the right approach for the team to take and evaluating this through the life of a project think of new and innovative ways of working to achieve the right outcomes act as a recognised expert and advocate for the approaches, continuously reflecting and challenging the team

Financial ownership

Financial management involves planning, organising and monitoring financial resources.

Expert Financial ownership

You can: develop an Agile business case and own and iterate it throughout the product life cycle develop benefits with others within the portfolio understand the granularity of financial costs per sprint and the value delivered

Government Digital and Data perspective

Data visualisation involves producing graphical representations that communicate data, such as charts and graphs.

Practitioner Government Digital and Data perspective

You can: demonstrate an advanced understanding of design, technology and data principles identify and implement solutions for assisted digital apply knowledge to work with other roles and groups in Government Digital and Data

Life cycle perspective

Leadership and guidance involves providing effective leadership and management through team motivation, decision making, risk management, mediation and professional development

Practitioner Life cycle perspective

You can: apply experience in multiple parts of the product life cycle recognise when it is right to move forward and when it is right to stop recognise the appropriate deliverables and the right people to meet them work with other Agile delivery operations throughout the product life cycle plan and engage with the appropriate stakeholders at a particular stage in the project

Operational management

Non-functional testing involves verifying that a system (behind the functions and features) complies with requirements such as performance and usability.

Expert Operational management

You can: keep abreast of industry best practice and can cascade ways of working make operations efficient act as the escalation point for major operational issues and champion operational management across the community work closely with leaders of operational delivery teams in Government Digital and Data

Problem management

Problem management involves anticipating and identifying problems in systems, processes or services, and ensuring appropriate solutions are implemented.

Expert Problem management

You can:

  • anticipate problems and defend against them at the right time
  • understand how a problem fits into the larger picture
  • identify and describe problems, and help others to describe them
  • build problem-solving capabilities in others

Product ownership

Problem management involves anticipating and identifying problems in systems, processes or services, and ensuring appropriate solutions are implemented.

Working Product ownership

You can: demonstrate knowledge of the tools, terms and concepts used to deliver a product, and how they can be adapted and applied to different phases of delivery

Strategic ownership

Strategy involves creating a plan to achieve a team or organisation's objectives.

Expert Strategic ownership

You can: develop a long-term vision and objectives take a discerning and disciplined approach to focusing on what is important and most relevant develop the capability of others

User focus

User focus involves understanding the user needs to develop a detailed understanding of the problems that need to be solved.

Expert User focus

You can: give direction on which tools or methods to use demonstrate experience in meeting the needs of users across a variety of channels bring insight and expertise in how user needs have changed over time to ensure they're met by the business apply strategic thinking to provide the best service for the end user

The Professional Body Responsible for this job family is BCS. This job role profile was created in collaboration with BCS, using Role Model Plus.

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