Lead Service Designer


A lead service designer is an expert practitioner who influences and mentors others. At this role level, you will:

work with service managers and programme directors to develop design concepts

set direction and assure the quality of design delivery across teams

lead multiple or highly complex services

Work Activity Components

Title Details
Documentation (Level 5) Ensures all work is documented using the appropriate standards, methods and tools, including prototyping tools where appropriate.
Design, analysis and iterative development (Level 5) Uses iterative approaches to rapidly incorporate user feedback into designs. Plans and drives user experience design activities providing expert advice and guidance to support adoption of agreed approaches.
Visual design and branding (Level 5) Integrates required visual design and branding into the user experience design activities.
Cost benefit and risk analysis (Level 5) Ensures cost benefit and risk analysis is undertaken to provide input to development plans to take account of human factors in design decisions, including failure/degradation and contingency arrangements.

Behavioural Skills

Title Details
Creativity Taking innovative approaches to problem solving and/or devising inventive and creative solutions.
Attention to Detail Applying specific quality standards to all tasks undertaken to ensure that deliverables are accurate and complete.
Organisational Awareness Understanding the hierarchy and culture of own, customer, supplier and partner organisations and being able to identify the decision makers and influencers.
Interacting with People Establishing relationships, contributing to an open culture and maintaining contacts with people from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Effective, approachable and sensitive communicator in different communities and cultures. Ability to adapt style and approach to meet the needs of different audiences.
Teamwork Working collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal.

Technical Skills

Title Details Depth
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) Graphical human/computer interfaces that facilitate effective communication between human operator and computer. Proficient in
Corporate, Industry and Professional Standards Applying relevant standards, practices, codes, and assessment and certification programmes to the specific organisation or business domain. Proficient in
Systems Ergonomics and Iterative Design Iterative methods and techniques to allocate and optimise the division of functions between the human, machine and organisational elements of IT systems and the functions themselves in terms of ergonomic impact. Systematic and iterative design of the physical and cognitive interfaces to create an effective user experience in a software system, product or service with attention paid to variety of locations and access devices employed by users. Expert in

Other Skills

Title Details Depth
Project Planning and Control Techniques Methods and techniques associated with planning and monitoring progress of projects. Familiar with
Organisational Brand and Culture Knowledge and understanding of the brand image and personality of the organisation's products and/or services and the overall culture and personality of the work environment. Proficient in


Title Details
Stakeholder Relationship Management Negotiation, presentation and engagement skills to adapt and address the needs of different stakeholders to develop and maintain strong stakeholder relationships.
Security Awareness Tools and techniques to help users and employees understand the role they play in helping to combat information security breaches and for IT and security professionals to prevent and mitigate risk.

Professional Development Activity (PDA)

Title Details PDA Group
Deputising Standing in for supervisor or manager on a temporary basis during periods of absence. Broadening Activities
Job Shadowing and Special Assignments Undertaking temporary periods or secondments in other roles, particularly those that offer a new perspective on own function or exposure to other environments and cultures. Broadening Activities
Mentoring Acting as a mentor, advising those for whom there is no direct responsibility, on matters to do with their job role, career and professional development. Broadening Activities
Gaining Knowledge of Broader IT Issues Increasing and maintaining currency of knowledge of broader IT issues through reading, attending and participating in seminars or conferences, special studies, temporary assignments etc. Increasing Knowledge
Gaining Strategic Knowledge of Employing Organisation Developing a comprehensive understanding of the business environment in which the employing organisation operates and its position, policies and direction in relation to health and care, country and global issues. Increasing Knowledge
Participation in Professional Body Affairs Taking an active part in professional body affairs at branch, specialist group, committee or board level. Participation in Professional Activities
Negotiating and Influencing Undertaking learning and practice of negotiating with and influencing others. Developing Professional Skills
Team Leadership Undertaking learning and practice of the skills required to lead teams, including motivation, direction, coaching, delegation, appraisal, counselling and developing others. Developing Professional Skills

Qualification Components

Title Awarding Bodies
FEDIP Advanced Practitioner The Federation for Informatics Professionals
CDPA - Certified Digital Persuasion Analyst Human Factors International

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework Skills

Skill Level

Design Communication

Communication involves conveying information using the most effective medium and language for the audience.

Expert Design Communication

You can:

  • gain support for design decisions and design strategy from senior leaders
  • communicate design strategy across organisational boundaries
  • coach others in how to effectively communicate design
  • develop or introduce more effective methods of communicating design and working in the open

Designing For Everyone

Expert Designing For Everyone

You can:

  • measurably improve the practice of inclusive, accessible and environmentally sustainable design in multiple teams or across your organisation
  • help others understand and mitigate the influence of privilege and power on the design and delivery of content and services

Designing Strategically

Strategy involves creating a plan to achieve a team or organisation's objectives.

Practitioner Designing Strategically

You can:

  • help a team understand how user-centred design helps it meet its goals
  • help teams align their work to the goals and vision of their organisation
  • use risks, opportunities and constraints in technology, systems and policy to shape design
  • identify and create new design patterns and components

Designing Together

Expert Designing Together

You can:

  • effectively plan and run design sessions that include senior leaders or stakeholders
  • help teams connect and work across organisational boundaries
  • coach other designers in how to involve stakeholders of any level in the design process
  • develop or introduce more effective ways to design together

Evidence-Based Design

Expert Evidence-Based Design

You can:

  • embed a practice of hypothesis-driven design in a team
  • guide the organisation in how to use evidence to improve services
  • analyse, synthesise and use evidence to improve the way the organisation works
  • ensure user insights are shared with and used by the wider organisation and across government

Iterative Design

Expert Iterative Design

You can:

  • embed the practice of iterative design and agile working in teams or wider organisation
  • lead on prototyping complex ideas at any fidelity
  • help teams adapt quickly to changes in requirements, priorities or user needs
  • iterate delivery processes or team structures to help teams work effectively

Leading Design

Leadership and guidance involves providing effective leadership and management through team motivation, decision making, risk management, mediation and professional development.

Expert Leadership and guidance

You can: change organisational structures to fixable and sustainable designs lead on the strategy for the whole organisation, marrying business needs with innovative analysis make and justify decisions characterised by high levels of risk, impact and complexity build consensus between organisations (private or public) or highly independent and diverse stakeholders solve and unblock issues between teams or departments at the highest level understand the psychology of a team and have strong mediation skills coach the organisation on team dynamics and conflict resolution

The Professional Body Responsible for this job family is BCS. This job role profile was created in collaboration with BCS, using Role Model Plus.

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