Junior Service Designer


Junior designers are graduates with a degree in a relevant subject or relevant work experience. At this role level, you will:

explain design decisions, work collaboratively and have responsibility for a service

work independently after being given direction by more senior designers

independently identify user issues and important needs

Behavioural Skills

Title Details
Verbal Expression Communicating effectively using the spoken word.
Written Expression Communicating effectively in writing, such as reports and via emails.
Teamwork Working collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal.

Technical Skills

Title Details Depth
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) Graphical human/computer interfaces that facilitate effective communication between human operator and computer. Aware of
Systems Ergonomics and Iterative Design Iterative methods and techniques to allocate and optimise the division of functions between the human, machine and organisational elements of IT systems and the functions themselves in terms of ergonomic impact. Systematic and iterative design of the physical and cognitive interfaces to create an effective user experience in a software system, product or service with attention paid to variety of locations and access devices employed by users. Aware of


Title Details
Security Awareness Tools and techniques to help users and employees understand the role they play in helping to combat information security breaches and for IT and security professionals to prevent and mitigate risk.

Professional Development Activity (PDA)

Title Details PDA Group
Job Shadowing and Special Assignments Undertaking temporary periods or secondments in other roles, particularly those that offer a new perspective on own function or exposure to other environments and cultures. Broadening Activities
Gaining Knowledge of Employing Organisation Gaining basic knowledge of the employing organisation, its business, structure, culture, policies, products/services, operations and terminology. Increasing Knowledge
Gaining Knowledge of Surrounding Technical Areas Gaining knowledge of IT activities in employing organisation external to own function. Increasing Knowledge
Involvement in Professional Body Activities Attending meetings, seminars and workshops organised by professional body and reading published material, such as journals and web content. Participation in Professional Activities
Communications Undertaking learning and practice in oral and written communications, including report writing and presentation. Developing Professional Skills

Qualification Components

Title Awarding Bodies
FEDIP Associate Practitioner The Federation for Informatics Professionals

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework Skills

Skill Level

Design Communication

Communication involves conveying information using the most effective medium and language for the audience.

Working Design Communication

You can:

  • clearly explain problems and design ideas to others
  • clearly explain design decisions to others using appropriate tools and methods

Designing For Everyone

Working Designing For Everyone

You can:

  • work with others to design and deliver inclusive, accessible and environmentally sustainable content or services that meet the needs of all users
  • ensure a design meets appropriate standards, for example accessibility regulations, with support

Designing Strategically

Strategy involves creating a plan to achieve a team or organisation's objectives.

Awareness Designing Strategically

You can:

  • explain the importance of aligning to the strategy of an organisation
  • describe how your design work aligns to the wider goals and vision of your team
  • explain the value of using patterns and components in design

Designing Together

Awareness Designing Together

You can:

  • explain different techniques for bringing together perspectives from multiple people to inform a design
  • explain the importance of constructive feedback in the design process

Evidence-Based Design

Working Evidence-Based Design

You can:

  • analyse, synthesise and clearly explain evidence relevant to users or a service, for example, web analytics data
  • work with researchers or analysts to use evidence to inform, develop and test a design idea

Iterative Design

Working Iterative Design

You can:

  • apply iterative design principles and agile methodologies to your work
  • iterate and improve a design based on successive rounds of research
  • prototype your ideas at different fidelities to explore and test designs
  • use a range of design tools and techniques
  • use and iterate design patterns and components

Leading Design

Leadership and guidance involves providing effective leadership and management through team motivation, decision making, risk management, mediation and professional development.

Awareness Leading Design

You can:

  • explain the role of user-centred design in an organisation
  • describe typical leadership responsibilities in design
  • identify leaders in your organisation that designers need to work with

The Professional Body Responsible for this job family is BCS. This job role profile was created in collaboration with BCS, using Role Model Plus.

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