Digital Portfolio Analyst


A digital portfolio analyst supports the tracking, analysis and delivery of outcomes across a portfolio of digital projects. This role level may be called 'associate digital portfolio manager' in your organisation

At this role level, you will:

help ensure standards are being met

help teams to follow governance and assurance processes

As you will be learning basic portfolio management skills, you will report to a more senior portfolio manager.


Description Background
Is familiar with the project development lifecycle and typical issues associated with the implementation of IT projects. Prior Knowledge and Skills

Work Activity Components

Title Details
Administrative services (PROF)(Level 4) Maintains portfolio, programme, and project files. Services project control boards, project assurance teams, and quality review meetings.
Project management software (PROF)(Level 4) Sets-up, supports and provides detailed guidance on project, programme or portfolio management software.
Performance (PROF)(Level 4) Maintains project, programme, and portfolio performance metric data and estimating models. Reviews models and recommends changes.
Change control(PROF)(Level 4) Administers project, programme, and portfolio change control. Reviews processes and recommends changes.
Portfolio view(PROF)(Level 4) Takes a portfolio view of the project management processes, procedures, tools and techniques being applied to identify, highlight and report any potential risks.

Behavioural Skills

Title Details
Planning and Organisation Determining a course of action by breaking it down into smaller steps and by planning and resourcing each of these, making allowance for potential problems and escalating if necessary.
Customer Focus Understanding the needs of the internal or external customer and keeping these in mind when taking actions or making decisions.
Verbal Expression Communicating effectively using the spoken word.
Written Expression Communicating effectively in writing, such as reports and via emails.
Follow-up and Monitoring Checking progress against targets, taking action to resolve exceptions/ issues and reporting and escalating where necessary.

Technical Skills

Title Details Depth
Business Analysis Techniques Applying techniques that help investigating, analysing, modelling and recording a business area or system of interest. Aware of

Other Skills

Title Details Depth
Budgets Principles, methods, techniques and tools for the preparation and monitoring of budgets to manage costs and ensure cost-effectiveness and value for money. Aware of
Business Proposals Methods and techniques for preparing and presenting business cases, requests for proposal (RFP) invitations to tender (ITT) and statements of requirements/work both verbally and in writing. Aware of
Project Management Principles, methods, techniques and tools for the effective management of projects from initiation through to implementation. Familiar with
Techniques for Effective Meetings Methods and techniques for running effective meetings and for understanding and influencing the roles played by participants. Aware of
Project Planning and Control Techniques Methods and techniques associated with planning and monitoring progress of projects. Familiar with
Programme Management Principles, methods, techniques and tools for the effective management of a programme of projects and related activities through to the successful achievement of planned business benefits. Aware of
Project Risk Management The identification, assessment and management of project risks, that could result in time or cost over-runs, or failure to deliver products which are fit for purpose. Familiar with


Title Details
Systems Development Systems development, including development life-cycles and methods, organisation interfaces, typical corporate application architectures, project and programme management, risk management and change control.
Programme Management Principles and practices to be followed in selecting, planning and managing a programme of projects, and the roles and responsibilities associated with programme management.
Benefits Management The process and technique applied to identify, quantify, monitor and review benefits in order that they are realised from a business or IT change initiative.
Security Awareness Tools and techniques to help users and employees understand the role they play in helping to combat information security breaches and for IT and security professionals to prevent and mitigate risk.

Professional Development Activity (PDA)

Title Details PDA Group
Deputising Standing in for supervisor or manager on a temporary basis during periods of absence. Broadening Activities
Job Shadowing and Special Assignments Undertaking temporary periods or secondments in other roles, particularly those that offer a new perspective on own function or exposure to other environments and cultures. Broadening Activities
Research Assignments Exploring a topic which is not part of own normal responsibilities and presenting findings to colleagues and/or management Increasing Knowledge
Gaining Knowledge of Activities of Employing Organisation Developing an understanding of the potentially diverse range of activities (service, governance, administrative, regulatory, commercial, charitable, industrial, etc.) undertaken by the employing organisation. Increasing Knowledge
Gaining Knowledge of IT Concepts and Techniques Undertaking study, learning and, where possible, practice in IT concepts and techniques external to own function. Increasing Knowledge
Participation in Professional Body Affairs Taking an active part in professional body affairs at branch, specialist group, committee or board level. Participation in Professional Activities
Negotiating and Influencing Undertaking learning and practice of negotiating with and influencing others. Developing Professional Skills

Organisational Skill Name and Description

Framework Skill Level
Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework

Agile working

Agile delivery involves encouraging teams to build incrementally, test and iterate their work based on regular feedback and other useful data.

Awareness Agile working

You can: show an awareness of Agile methodology and the ways to apply the principles in practice take an open-minded approach explain why iteration is important iterate quickly

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework

Communicating analysis and insight

Working Communicating analysis and insight

You can: understand the appropriate media to communicate findings shape and share communications relevant to the audience give tactical recommendations

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework

Governance and assurance

Governance and assurance involves defining and ensuring adherence to an organisation's quality control and compliance processes.

Awareness Governance and assurance

You can: understand technical governance participate in the assurance of a service

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework


Awareness Planning

You can: understand the importance of planning and forecasting show an awareness of the different ways to develop a plan

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework

Stakeholder relationship management

Stakeholder relationship management involves managing stakeholder requirements and communications throughout a project, while remaining focused on the user needs.

Working Stakeholder relationship management

You can: identify important stakeholders and communicate with them clearly and regularly tailor communication to stakeholders' needs and work with them to build relationships, while also meeting user needs build and reach consensus work to improve stakeholder relationships, using evidence to explain decisions made

Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework

Strategic thinking

Strategy involves creating a plan to achieve a team or organisation's objectives.

Awareness Strategic thinking

You can: explain the strategic context of your work and why it is important support strategic planning in an administrative capacity

Qualification Components

Title Awarding Bodies
P3O Practitioner AXELOS

The Professional Body Responsible for this job family is BCS. This job role profile was created in collaboration with BCS, using Role Model Plus.

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