Integrates staff into teams to perform packages of work, taking account of individual and team capabilities. Considers the importance of skill mix within teams and is sensitive towards team dynamics.
SFIA Skills: People management
Workshop facilitation (OFCL) (level 6)
Facilitates cross functional senior management and leadership team workshops, on a continuous basis, to deliver defined goals and outcomes.
Workshop facilitation (OFCL) (level 5) Copy
Facilitates focussed work group and team workshops on a continuous basis in order to help deliver defined goals and outcomes.
Team performance (OFCL) (level 6)
Helps leadership teams develop shared responsibilities and make decisions which enable sustainable agreements. Champions self-organising workgroups.
Barriers and impediments (OFCL) (level 6)
Identifies barriers to progress and offers suggestions on how to address them. Provides advice to senior teams on why barriers should be addressed and the actions required
Workshop facilitation (OFCL) (level 5)
Facilitates focussed work group and team workshops on a continuous basis in order to help deliver defined goals and outcomes.
Team performance (OFCL) (level 5)
Recognises and works with the strengths and constraints of team dynamics. Supports focussed work groups and teams to learn, to solve problems collaboratively, become self-organising, and improve team performance.
Team effectiveness (OFCL) (level 5)
Schedules and facilitates meetings to identify blockers to effectiveness. Conducts reviews of individual and team performance to identify potential issues with training, competency and teamworking. Carries out team training needs analysis.
Barriers and impediments (OFCL) (level 5)
Identifies barriers to progress and offers suggestions on how to address them. Provides advice to stakeholders on why barriers should be addressed and the actions required.
Probationary period and contract (PEMT)(Level 5)
Defines and manages probationary periods, setting out the requirements of the job, monitoring progress (e.g., regular interviews) and reacting to variances from expectations, organising training and development as required within appropriate timescales.
Transformation and change (PEMT) (Level 5)
Manages teams involved in significant transformation projects and/or during times of change, aligning change programmes with staff skills and capabilities. Supports staff, through difficult and challenging change programmes.
Team dynamics (PEMT) (Level 5)
Integrates staff into teams to perform packages of work, taking account of individual and team capabilities. Consider the importance of skill mix within teams. Is sensitive towards team dynamics.
Team performance (OFCL) (level 4)
Helps to improve team process and performance of ad hoc working groups,
Barriers and impediments (OFCL) (level 4)
Identifies barriers to progress. Recommends remedial action and/or escalates as appropriate.
Lead, manage and supervise(PEMT) (Level 5)
Manages, supports and guides the work of groups of staff in line with organisational strategy.
Lead, manage and supervise(PEMT) (Level 4)
Supervises, supports and guides the work of individuals and/or small groups in line with organisational strategy.
Work allocation, support and delegation (PEMT) (Level 4)
Allocates routine tasks and assigns project work to individuals, according to their particular skills, capabilities, and development needs.
Coaching (Level 4)
Concepts, methods and techniques for providing coaching in subject specialisms to individuals or groups (e.g. GROW model).
Guidance, performance and feedback (Level 5)
Optimises the performance of people, measuring and reporting on performance against agreed quality and performance criteria. Collects data on the performance of groups of staff. Gives regular feedback to teams and senior staff as to team performance on work packages.
Work allocation, support and delegation (PEMT) (Level 5)
Allocates responsibilities, including supervisory and assigns packages of work to groups of staff. Ensures that work packages are aligned with the particular skills and abilities of teams. Supports teams in the delivery of work packages. Delegates work to individuals and teams, taking full account of skills and capabilities.
Workshop design (Level 6)
Designs senior management/stakeholder workshops to address leadership team processes such as decision making, prioritisation, and problem solving at the highest level. Identifies key objectives, sets the agenda, the tools to be used, and the approach to be taken.
Agile working (Level 6)
Defines the organisation’s approach to, and oversees the delivery of, agile methods training and the development of agile teams. Promotes agile ways of working across the organisation and encourages senior leadership teams to embrace the agile method.
Workshop design (Level 5)
Designs multi-event workshops to solve complex problems. Identifies key objectives sets the agenda, the tools to be used, and the approach to be taken
Agile working (Level 5)
Provides training and subject matter expertise on the deployment of agile methods and processes in order to equip agile teams with the right knowledge, tools and training to deploy agile to its full potential and deliver effective outcomes
Workshop design (Level 4)
Designs simple, and/or contributes to the design of multi-event, workshops to solve workplace performance problems or improve team or individual effectiveness.
Communities of practice (Level 5)
Promotes the establishment and ongoing development of one or more community of practice (CoP). Encourages participation and ensures alignment with organisational needs.
Development needs (Level 5)
Determines development needs for a professional practice area. Aligns development activities with organisational priorities, learning and development strategies and career pathways.
Communities of practice (Level 4)
Provides advice, guidance and, where appropriate, support for the establishment and organisation of communities of practice.
Development needs (Level 4)
Supports the identification and prioritisation of development needs for a professional practice area. Identifies development activities that align with organisational priorities, learning and development strategies and career pathways.
Empowerment and role model (PEMT) (Level 4)
Facilitates effective working relationships between team members. Motivates team members to maintain a high level of performance. Engages with, and empowers team members. Acts as a role model for individuals and team members, setting a standard, acting professionally at all times and working to a professional code of conduct and ethics.
Formal appraisals (Level 4)
Conducts formal appraisals of the performance of team members. Facilitates a dialogue with team members about expectations, progress, performance and development needs.
Guidance, performance and feedback (Level 4)
Provides direction, support and guidance as necessary, in line with individual’s skills and abilities setting appropriate and effective boundaries. Sets achievable goals, monitoring and acknowledging performance and supporting individual and team development. Collects data on individual and team performance. Gives regular feedback to team members and leads them to achieve their full potential.
Empowerment and role model(PEMT) (Level 5)
Facilitates effective working relationships within and between teams of staff. Motivates groups of staff and teams towards a high level of performance. Engages with, and empowers groups of staff. Acts as a role model for groups of staff, setting a standard, acting professionally at all times and working to a professional code of conduct and ethics.
Formal appraisals (Level 5)
Conducts formal appraisals of the performance of team members. Facilitates a dialogue with team members about expectations, progress, performance and development needs. Participates, as appropriate, in formal processes such as compensation negotiations, grievance procedures, and disciplinary procedures.