You understand what other people can bring to a potential solution.
NCF Level: Level One
Sharing best practice (B4.3) (Level One)
You make a note of your successes for future opportunities to use them.
Embedding best practice (B4.4) (Level One)
You note other people’s successes and learn from their experience.
Patient impact (B5.1) (Level One)
You consider the impact of your activities on patients.
Understanding the customer (B5.2) (Level One)
You work with the customer to understand their requirements.
Customer service (B5.3) (Level One)
You consider if there are better ways to service the customer.
Customer solutions (B5.4) (Level One)
You look for new learnings to increase your offering to the customer / patient.
Communicating within a hierarchy (B1.2) (Level One)
You understand the importance of following hierarchical instruction.
Generating consensus (B1.3) (Level One)
You are able to add value to the consensus of opinion by contributing your ideas.
Logical arguments (B1.4) (Level One)
You are able to see the rationale in the arguments of colleagues when suggesting ways of working.
Negotiation (B1.5) (Level One)
You understand the need to negotiate in a busy working environment.
Generating support (B1.6) (Level One)
You understand the importance of being helpful for its own sake and look to promote good values in the team.
Influence (B1.7) (Level One)
You understand the general principles of influence.
Equality (B2.1) (Level One)
You welcome the input and feedback from all representatives of the workforce and public, ensuring representation across the protected characteristics as per the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Challenging discrimination (B2.2) (Level One)
You know that discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated by your organisation and know that you should report all transgressions to your manager.
NHS Constitution (B2.3) (Level One)
You are aware of the importance of following the behaviours and values listed in the NHS Constitution.
Supporting others (B2.4) (Level One)
You understand the importance of supporting others and being kind to yourself. You know where to turn if things become difficult.
Open environment (B2.5) (Level One)
You have read your organisation’s local and the NHS National Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and take time to actively listen to the lived experiences of underrepresented and marginalised groups.
Written communication (B3.1) (Level One)
You are able to convey written ideas and insights in a clear and concise manner.
Discussing complex ideas (B3.2) (Level One)
You are able to discuss ideas and insights in a clear manner.
Delivering complex ideas (B3.3) (Level One)
You are able to appear confident when conveying ideas and insights.
Understanding new ideas (B3.4) (Level One)
You are able to understand the subjects discussed in most conversations, even when the subject matter is new.
Reading audiences (B3.5) (Level One)
You are able to tell whether someone has been listening to you when discussing information in conversation.
Problem sharing (B4.1) (Level One)
You understand the benefits of collaborating with others.
Delivering outcomes (B1.1) (Level One)
You work with others in your team in order to bring about a generally agreed outcome.