You advise on the balance of the portfolio of projects as it affects or is dependent upon the availability of data and digital skills and resources for projects. You advocate for the portfolio to include data and digital projects which will promote the sustainability of the business.
NCF Category: Project Planning
Scheduling (WP2.3)(Level Three)
You sequence the activities in data and digital projects logically, effectively and efficiently, incorporating any lessons learned from similar past projects.
Scheduling (WP2.3)(Level One)
You monitor your own performance against schedule and escalate any risks in timescale, quality or resource availability that you identify to the project plan.
Complexity (WP2.2)(Level One)
You schedule your own time to achieve the project outputs alongside any business as usual activities.
Advice and monitoring (WP2.1)(Level Three)
You advise on and monitor budgets for time, resources and other costs for data and digital project activities enforcing budget controls.
Advice and monitoring (WP2.1)(Level One)
You understand the position of your work within the sequence of events in the project plan together with any immediate dependencies.