You seek out opportunities for your service to learn cutting edge technologies that could be advantageous to the customer.
NCF Category: Influencing
Customer service (B5.3) (Level 5)
You pre-empt changes within health and care to ensure the service is always able to deliver the best solutions.
Understanding the customer (B5.2) (Level 5)
You create opportunities for joint working with the customer to ensure efficient utilisation of the service.
Patient impact (B5.1) (Level 5)
You ensure all work within your area offers the most efficient support to customers and patient outcomes.
Sharing best practice (B4.3) (Level 5)
You promote the success of your area in and outside of your organisation.
Seeking opinions (B4.2) (Level 5)
You seek out opportunities for cross organisational working for those in your area of work.
Problem sharing (B4.1) (Level 5)
You promote collaboration opportunities throughout the organisation and beyond.
Reading audiences (B3.5) (Level 5)
You can impart complex ideas to a diverse audience in simple terms without having to explain a number of different ways.
Understanding new ideas (B3.4) (Level 5)
You can easily strip complex problems to the root cause and convey this to people from a variety of backgrounds.
Delivering complex ideas (B3.3) (Level 5)
Your confidence in your expertise enables others to feel confident and at ease with your contribution, even beyond your specialism.
Discussing complex ideas (B3.2) (Level 5)
You are able to engage in complex technical debates with other specialists, from a variety of disciplines, whilst using accessible and accurate language.
Written communication (B3.1) (Level 5)
You are capable of having a number of articles published in national or international publications should the opportunity arise.
Open environment (B2.5) (Level 5)
Supporting others (B2.4) (Level 5)
You lead by example and are open and honest about health and wellbeing issues. You take adequate time for yourself as you know that must be done before you can create an effective system for others
NHS Constitution (B2.3) (Level 5)
You are seen as an ambassador of promoting the behaviours and values of the NHS Constitution.
Equality (B2.1) (Level 5)
You are an ally for underrepresented and marginalised groups and model an open environment by encouraging staff to actively seek out input from these individuals.
Influence (B1.7) (Level 5)
You are often the lead for organisation wide initiatives and have strong relationships across organisations.
Generating support (B1.6) (Level 5)
You have created a team of leaders for who their teams consistently go above and beyond
Negotiation (B1.5) (Level 5)
You are able to lead and win complex debates, sometimes over a long period of time often with confrontational and adversarial opponents.
Logical arguments (B1.4) (Level 5)
You are able to debate appropriate complex subjects with a range of experts to agree the balance of probability.
Generating consensus (B1.3) (Level 5)
You are able to work with a diverse range of people and win their hearts and minds to support your goal.
Communicating within a hierarchy (B1.2) (Level 5)
You only use hierarchical influence where there is no other type of influence that can be used and it is suitable to do so.
Delivering outcomes (B1.1) (Level 5)
You are able to work on, and lead, diverse teams from multiple organisations to achieve a shared goal, even where there are conflicts.
Skill (Level 5)
Customer solutions (B5.4) (Level Four)
You apply new solutions to customer requirements in order to ensure maximum accuracy and efficiency.
Customer service (B5.3) (Level Four)
You understand changes within health and care with a view offering solutions to foreseen requirements.
Understanding the customer (B5.2) (Level Four)
You seek out opportunities to work collaboratively with customers to pre-empt requests.
Patient impact (B5.1) (Level Four)
You ensure work within your area is as efficient as possible and enables better health and care outcomes.
Sharing best practice (B4.3) (Level Four)
You create an environment where the sharing of best practice is viewed as a central part of every review process.
Seeking opinions (B4.2) (Level Four)
You regularly create multi-disciplinary teams to address complex problems.
Skill (Level Four)
Understanding new ideas (B3.4) (Level Four)
You are able to design all insight into complex information in a way that is both accurate and concise.
Problem sharing (B4.1) (Level Four)
You look to provide multi-disciplinary solutions for maximum adoption throughout the organisation, while respecting pre-agreed boundaries.
Reading audiences (B3.5) (Level Four)
You are able to read large audiences to assess how well they have understood a series of multi-disciplinary concepts.
Delivering complex ideas (B3.3) (Level Four)
Your confidence in your expertise enables others to feel confident and at ease with your contribution.
Discussing complex ideas (B3.2) (Level Four)
You are able to engage in complex technical debates with other specialists whilst using accessible and accurate language.
Written communication (B3.1) (Level Four)
You are able to produce original written material that is accessible, referenced and publishable, including the production of literature reviews.
Open environment (B2.5) (Level Four)
You are an ally for underrepresented and marginalised groups and model an open environment by facilitating sessions for these individuals to share their lived experiences with you and your colleagues.
Supporting others (B2.4) (Level Four)
You view the wellbeing of you and those around you with high priority. You take every step to ensure that people within your domain know that it’s okay not to be okay.
NHS Constitution (B2.3) (Level Four)
You promote the behaviours and values listed in the NHS Constitution.
Challenging discrimination (B2.2) (Level Four)
You are able to engage with sensitive ED&I issues and deal with them with the utmost dignity, respect and fairness.
Influence (B1.7) (Level Four)
Your opinion is often sought early by peers dealing with politically sensitive issues.
Generating support (B1.6) (Level Four)
Your team and colleagues will often go above and beyond to support your initiatives.
Delivering outcomes (B1.1) (Level Four)
You are able to gather the skills of a diverse multi-disciplinary team in order to achieve an agreed outcome.
Communicating within a hierarchy (B1.2) (Level Four)
You are able to challenge the use of hierarchical arguments where logic supports a different course of action and call out the use of emotional or coercive influence.
Generating consensus (B1.3) (Level Four)
You are consistently able to gather a consensus of opinion to support your arguments and often know what people will support prior to discussion.
Logical arguments (B1.4) (Level Four)
You are able to construct a clearly predicated argument with logically consistent conclusions whilst providing robust refutations of counterarguments.
Negotiation (B1.5) (Level Four)
You are able to negotiate exchanges over multiple poles of interest in order to achieve a specific result even when those involved have hidden agendas, while allowing everyone to share multiple viewpoints.
Seeking opinions (B4.2) (Level Three)
You seek out the opinions of a number of others to create a rich solution to a problem.
Sharing best practice (B4.3) (Level Three)
You collate and offer best practice in your area and openly share your findings.
Patient impact (B5.1) (Level Three)
You seek out ways of making your actions better for patients.
Understanding the customer (B5.2) (Level Three)
You take time to consult with the client, offering a range of solutions.
Customer service (B5.3) (Level Three)
You spend time on complex problems to understand the customer’s perspective and solutions that would add value.
Customer solutions (B5.4) (Level Three)
You seek out new and innovative solutions to proactively inform customers of efficiencies in your provision.
Generating support (B1.6) (Level Three)
You are always able to gather help with minimal effort when faced with a tricky problem.
Problem sharing (B4.1) (Level Three)
You regularly work on problems with others outside of your immediate work area while respecting pre-agreed boundaries.
Reading audiences (B3.5) (Level Three)
You are able to assess how comfortable someone is in understanding your information and naturally cover the information they are unclear on in a new and accessible manner.
Understanding new ideas (B3.4) (Level Three)
You are able to understand new and complex ideas from multiple sources in order to convey the information concisely.
Delivering complex ideas (B3.3) (Level Three)
You deliver complex ideas and insights to a diverse range of audiences.
Discussing complex ideas (B3.2) (Level Three)
You are able to discuss complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner to a non-technical audience.
Written communication (B3.1) (Level Three)
You are able to convey complex written ideas, citing a variety of sources, in a clear and concise manner.
Open environment (B2.5) (Level Three)
You help to model an open environment by facilitating sessions for underrepresented and marginalised individuals to share their lived experiences with you and your colleagues, asking questions and escalating concerns to your line manager.
Supporting others (B2.4) (Level Three)
You are supportive of others and take time to ensure they are okay. Whilst ensuring everyone has someone to talk to, you ensure that you are able to talk to someone when you need to as well.
Influence (B1.7) (Level Three)
You are able to apply influence even when faced with being influenced by a number of peers.
NHS Constitution (B2.3) (Level Three)
You have a detailed understanding of following the behaviours and values listed in the NHS Constitution.
Challenging discrimination (B2.2) (Level Three)
You articulate, when prompted, the fact that discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated by your organisation and signpost issues to senior management for immediate resolution.
Negotiation (B1.5) (Level Three)
You are able to negotiate exchanges over multiple poles of interest in order to achieve a specific result.
Logical arguments (B1.4) (Level Three)
You are able to construct a clearly predicated argument with logically consistent conclusions.
Generating consensus (B1.3) (Level Three)
You are generally able to quickly gather a consensus of opinion to support your ideas.
Communicating within a hierarchy (B1.2) (Level Three)
You are able to communicate to those in authority when their requests are in conflict with each other.
Delivering outcomes (B1.1) (Level Three)
You initiate work with others in your team and beyond in order to bring about a generally agreed outcome.
Skill (Level Three)
Customer solutions (B5.4) (Level Two)
You regularly try new techniques to provide greater efficiencies for the customer or outcomes for the patient.
Customer service (B5.3) (Level Two)
You use your knowledge and experience to offer alternative suggestions that would benefit the customer.
Understanding the customer (B5.2) (Level Two)
You spend time with the customer to understand what will add value to their requirement.
Patient impact (B5.1) (Level Two)
You understand the impact of your actions on patients.
Sharing best practice (B4.3) (Level Two)
You look to make successes part of your routine offering.
Seeking opinions (B4.2) (Level Two)
You take time to elicit the input of others to a problem.
Problem sharing (B4.1) (Level Two)
You regularly work on problems with colleagues in your team.
Reading audiences (B3.5) (Level Two)
You consistently check to ensure other parties have understood the message from your communication.
Understanding new ideas (B3.4) (Level Two)
You are able to understand new and complex ideas when brought up in conversation.
Delivering complex ideas (B3.3) (Level Two)
You are able to appear confident when conveying complex ideas and insights.
Discussing complex ideas (B3.2) (Level Two)
You are able to discuss complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.
Written communication (B3.1) (Level Two)
You are able to convey complex written ideas and insights in a clear and concise manner.
Open environment (B2.5) (Level Two)
You have read your organisation’s local and the NHS National Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and take time to actively listen to the lived experiences of underrepresented and marginalised groups, asking questions and escalating the concerns of your colleagues to your line manager.
Supporting others (B2.4) (Level Two)
You are kind to yourself, supportive of those around you and let someone know if things become difficult.
NHS Constitution (B2.3) (Level Two)
You know the importance of following, and are familiar with, the behaviours and values listed in the NHS Constitution.
Challenging discrimination (B2.2) (Level Two)
You articulate, when prompted, the fact that discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated by your organisation and report what you know to your line manager.
Influence (B1.7) (Level Two)
You are generally able to identify when you are being influenced and assess the situation on its own merits.
Generating support (B1.6) (Level Two)
You understand how interpersonal skills such as kindness and compassion can increase people’s desire to support you.
Negotiation (B1.5) (Level Two)
You are able to negotiate simple exchanges in order to achieve a specific result.
Logical arguments (B1.4) (Level Two)
You understand how to structure a reasoned argument to influence the decisions of others.
Generating consensus (B1.3) (Level Two)
You understand how to steer the direction of activity by influencing the consensus of opinion.
Communicating within a hierarchy (B1.2) (Level Two)
You are able to appeal to those in authority in order to facilitate influence.
Delivering outcomes (B1.1) (Level Two)
You initiate work with others in your team in order to bring about a generally agreed outcome.
Skill (Level Two)