Advanced Statistics (Level One)

You understand when advanced inferential statistical techniques are needed and the different methods available. You are able to build basic regression models and analyse results from three or more groups.

Statistical Process Control (Level One)

You understand the principles of normal and special cause variation and how data can be presented in SPC charts. You are able to produce basic XmR charts.

Information Governance (Data)(Level Three)

You know when data can be accessed and shared and know who to approach outside the organisation for advice. You understand how data linkage and different types of analysis can re-identify or help anonymise data. You have knowledge of GDPR.

Economics (Level Two)

You can apply the appropriate micro or macro-economic principles to lead the production of forecasts and associated analysis, related to the performance of the aggregated economy. You can design, create, test and refine econometric or statistical models to support decision making.

Data Modelling (Data) (Level Two)

You can express logical and physical data models to define how a model will be built. You understand the different data model infrastructures and the limitations of each.